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Counselling and Applied Psychology Higher National Certificate*

Level 4 - Higher

Counselling and Applied Psychology Higher National Certificate*

Do you enjoy research and helping others? If so, this course will be an excellent option for you.  Counselling and Applied Psychology course will give you the tools you need to help people to explore their lives, their emotions and the issues that underline their difficulties.

This course has a minimum requirement of a 100 hours’ work placement or experience in counselling settings.

*Key Features*

Studying this specialised counselling course with us will provide you with multiple future career and study options.

You’ll have access to modern, digital learning tools as you study and you’ll also have full support from our dedicated lecturing team course specialists within this subject area.

This course is closely aligned to professional body framework content and assessment supports you to develop as professional practitioners for the future. The HNC in Counselling and Applied Psychology aligns to column A therapist in the SCoPEd framework.

On the course you’ll study units that have been created specifically to help you gain career focused skills in professional counselling. Throughout the course you will have one-to-one support from your lecturers and tutors.

Above all, our lecturing team, who come from a range of professional and cultural backgrounds, will help you learn through real-world context, helping you understand how your new skills are best applied in practice.

*This course is subject to validation.

