The purpose of
the T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services and Cyber is to
ensure students have the knowledge and skills needed to progress into skilled
employment or higher-level technical training relevant to the T
Level 3 - Advanced
The purpose of
the T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services and Cyber is to
ensure students have the knowledge and skills needed to progress into skilled
employment or higher-level technical training relevant to the T
The route core provides a variety of knowledge and skills relevant to the
digital route as a whole. The pathway core provides a variety of knowledge and
skills relevant to the occupational specialism components within the digital
support services Technical Qualification. Some of the pathway core topics and
ideas are broken down and contextualised in more detail within the occupational
specialisms, allowing students to apply the knowledge and skills in their own
specific specialism. Industry Placement Experience Industry placements are intended to provide students with the opportunity to
develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for skilled employment in
their chosen occupation and which are less easily attainable by completing a
qualification alone. As part of achieving the overall T Level programme,
students are required to complete a minimum of 315 hours industry placement
(over the 2 year course). Industrial experience will be a real industrial
experience further developing the practical skills developed during the lesson.
First work experience will be toward the end of year one for a short period. The
main focus will be mid-way through year two. Placements will be arranged by
BMet, however, we welcome any requests to validate another employer for its