This course is for anyone interested in studying both the analytical and
practical side of the media industry. It is a course that requires you to be
creative, original and have a thirst for studying all aspect of
Level 3 - Advanced
This course is for anyone interested in studying both the analytical and
practical side of the media industry. It is a course that requires you to be
creative, original and have a thirst for studying all aspect of
You must enjoy creating various media products such as films and websites.
The course is split into a practical piece of course work and an exam. For the
practical element you will get the opportunity to either create and edit short
films, or plan and develop print media ideas i.e. posters, graphic design etc.
These will demonstrate your practical and creative skills and give you a
portfolio of work. The exam relates to audience and representation, looking at
various forms of media and how it can be analysed.